Our most important resource

The Terranostra team

f Our management

Our experienced staff can communicate with our customers in several languages.

f 100% Committed

Our team of trained professionals are committed to their work and delivering to our customers the best flowers.

Happy employees

We take care of our personnel so that they lead productive, responsible and healthy working and personal lives.

f Efficient service

Our great teamwork and adaptability is our best strategy to be responsive to our customers' needs.

Giving equity and value to our people

Equal treatment for all employees

Our work team consists of 45 colleagues, 19 men and 26 women, including one person with a disability.
Terra Nostra complies with current national labour legislation and cares about its workers:
We do not discriminate on any grounds, religious, cultural or sexual preferences.
We pay fair wages.

We recognize and reward superior employee performance through a results-based bonus program.
We ensure that all our employees are fully trained, work in a safe environment and have personal protective clothing and equipment for the development of their activities.
In addition to social security, our employees have benefits such as free medical check-ups and preventive health care. We do this through agreements with medical providers.
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Welcome to Terra Nostra Farm, an Ecuadorian flower plantation with quality, tradition and excellent customer service.